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Streamline Remote Collaboration with Secure and Efficient Meetings Modern workplaces
A click of a call button in an app, and the world becomes smaller with the ability to connect, and even see people from around the world and what they do. With ‘communication’ being the watchword for society, a variety of options are posed to customers and businesses alike toward communicating in real-time over the Internet. Voice and video calling are offered in a variety of forms, including in standalone apps, embedded media, and IP-based communication services.
Our daily use of these apps has shown us that these forms have intermittence during a signal problem; where in poor connections, a voice call becomes easier than a video call. But there’s more than that to show why a Group Voice Call like MultiCall is better than conventional video calling. First ask yourself; when you have both the option of voice and video call at your disposal; both of which are free and nearly as equally and readily available; why would you choose voice call first? How many voice calls have you made, as against video calls?
For knowing how voice calling takes precedence over video calls, it must be understood that a group video call is typically a phone call using an internet connection, also known as Voice over the Internet Protocol. This utilizes video so as to transmit live pictures of the person calling. Voice calls, such as those of MultiCall’s contrasts this with just hearing what the other individuals are saying, and using Internet, transmission signal or both to do so.
In light of voice calls’ greater agility with transmission media, video calls are rendered unable to be a direct substitute for a MultiCall, especially considering applications in business. Consider this; group voice calls on fora such as MultiCall’s don’t require heavy-duty networks…Voice calls require only eight to 24 KB per second, substantially low compared to that of video calls, which require at least 128 KB per second to a full MB per second.
In the case of a MultiCall – which is not VoIP based, the data requirement is further minimized as it does not even require the participants to have the app. It requires data only to initiate the call. In addition, voice communications only need the phone used by the owner, with no need for cameras or monitors.
At its optimal best, a video call of up to 8 people can be executed so far. This is considering not just the app’s availability, but also the productivity. Notable examples include Google Duo , Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp and so on. A MultiCall brings people together, and gives everyone the right and ability to contribute to the conversation. It also exceeds this capacity of the apps that were previously stated. This would mean a greater efficiency in communication, and therefore would substantially increase the potential productivity that can be gained for each conference conducted.
A voice call only demands one of your five senses; hearing. The likelihood of experiencing distractions in the course of communication is minimized, since it only involves one person speaking, while the others listen and accordingly respond. One aspect in Group conference etiquette of note was that MultiCalls allowed reduction of social pressures and conflict by being a forum that gives everyone the right and ability to contribute value to the conversation.
Video group conferences however are vulnerable to distractions, especially considering that they additionally require sight, and therefore raise the possibility of inconsistencies between image and sound due to signal interruption or loss. As a result, the communication lag faced in voice calls are less; which in turn lead to a more time efficient communication and effective transmission of message.
Yes, one may argue at this point that both video call and voice call can use the same communication device or virtual communication applications as well. However video conferences, in their right are a more advanced form of communication and therefore are in need of more than that. One major aspect to consider is that everyone involved in the conference will need a good internet connection to have the capacity to effectively carry out video conferencing.
Additionally, group video calls also are in need of additional devices such as cameras, microphones, and/or headphones. Location is paramount to an effective group conference. In the case of a video conference where one is being seen, well-lit conference rooms would therefore be required. This is however still subject to the various technical issues that one would face for smooth transmissions, such as those related to hardware, software and network failure. When group video conferences are carried out in remote locations, environmental changes can further hamper signal connectivity.
Last but not least, a major aspect that video calls would interfere with is that of preparation. For a video call, not only would the equipment and conference room be need to be prepared, but you do, as well. Yes, you; since you’d need to be physically present and dressed up as needed for the conference, and you may not be able to do any other tasks in the process as well. It’s static.
Now compare that difficult scenario with the one where you can have a MultiCall with your group, coffee at hand, and on the move. Arguably, people may like seeing each other during a conversation, and would therefore prefer video calls. But in the reality of a business that has multiple branches and locations, and each individual or member of the management having various tasks demanding different locations or availability; arranging a video conference in the said manner may not always be possible.
But voice calls are able to constantly be compatible to the different locations and availability, regardless of location, and therein remain more effective than video calls for the purpose of conferencing.
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