Why Flexible Communication Plans Are Essential for Businesses
Why Flexible Communication Plans Are Essential for Businesses In today’s
Steve Jobs once said, that “You cannot mandate productivity, you must provide the tools to let people become their best.” In that light, productivity comes down to two elements; a skill, and the useful tool to apply it. In a person’s career toolbox, soft skills are most important. These are critical as they are traits which are hard to teach, and require time to hone.
Employers always stay vigilant; looking out for creative professionals who are an all-rounded composite of soft skills in the workplace. Creative professionals require four soft skills in particular. But these can’t be honed properly without the proper tool for them.
This is where a tool like MultiCall comes in as useful, and as the best calling app for creative professionals considering these four:
There was a time that professionals could take cover behind a computer in the name of being “creative.” But with evolution in telecommunication and technology alike, it’s now standard protocol that creative professionals frequentlycollaborate with their clients; whether one-to-onecalls with people or group calls with companies.
As a result, creative professionals are expected to have good command of communication skills. This isn’t just key to communicating about the project, it also enablesthem to portray an attitude of confidence, friendliness and willingness. In the process, even on calls, creative professionals can pitch to clients, walk them through the needful aspects, and liaise with them for modifications or additions to their designs.
Companies value putting creative team members face to face with clients. This is especially in consideration ofthe marketing stages of attracting, engaging and creating customer delight. Being highly communicative also helps mitigate any potential misunderstandings,boosting their productivity in the process.
The aspect of communication applies to creative collaboration too. Frequent collaboration would mean that creatives need to get on quick calls to discuss their ideas with their teammates quite often. The various elements of creative projects would warrant the necessary brainstorming to set an outline for them.
When managed well, brainstorming can allow companies to envision and create innovative solutions to problems. And in the process of bringing everyone together, it also encourages individuals to commit to solutions, especially when they have provided valuable input and played a role in its development.
The best technique is when from the company’s standpoint, individual and group brainstorming are optimally combined, with creativity freely encouraged, and only constructive criticism tabled for discussion.
A dependable instant voice calling solution helps here, as it does not require preparation for call unlike video call. With its ease of communication, MultiCall comes in handy here as atool for creative professionals. Not only does it allow carrying outgroup calling in one go, there is no hassle that is typical of conferencing either.
Free of PINs and moderators, it is an instant solution for calling many. In addition, the participants of the call do not need to relate to data or even have the app installed. MultiCall requires data only to initiate the call.
Whatever the role as a creative professional, they are expected to take more initiative within said role by solving business problems. Companies benefit from employees who can propose sound solutions when they approach management with a problem.
This is augmented if they even solve it without involving them at all. Of course, speaking up with regard to issues arising is key. Nevertheless,creative professionals ought to showcase initiative and resourcefulness by first trying to settle everyday creative or interpersonal issues themselves. And MultiCall helps here too.
More often than not, problems have a time constraint to them. A certain change or project will be required at a certain date, or before a certain time. The time for discussing the issue also becomes constrained in the process. MultiCall’s Call Scheduling feature helps with this in multiple ways:
Professionals get to schedule the name of the call itself. They can then select the date and the time at which they wish to execute the call.They can also choose the profile they wish to use; this is essential especially when considering allocation of call expenses.
Professionals can also add phone numbers to utilize the Call-Me-On Feature.
Should they wish to repeat the call, they can choose between the options of Every Day, Every Week and Every Month.
Last but not least, they can customize the call duration too, with a maximum duration of 120 minutes on a 5-minute basis.
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