Category: Uncategorized

  • Call Monitoring – A Useful Feature of MultiCall

    Call Monitoring – A Useful Feature of MultiCall

    Call Monitoring – A Useful Feature of MultiCal In a day and age with myriad offers available, business leaders are often driven by the features of different solutions, such as the ability to schedule calls, or to instantly group call if they have to. At the same time, leaders ought not to forget that there…

  • Call Scheduling & When to Use It

    Call Scheduling & When to Use It

    call-scheduling-when-to-use-it/ Scheduling is an art. It allows you to plan your activities in order to let you achieve your goals and priorities in the time you have available. Done effectively, it assists you in keeping your goals SMART, and allows time for crucial tasks. But this isn’t just for your activities, its towards your calls too. Call Scheduling…

  • Using MultiCall – Everything You Need To Know

    Using MultiCall – Everything You Need To Know

    Using MultiCall – Everything You Need To Know Four calls to four people are quite simply not the same, nor as efficient as one call to four people. And if you’re a person of efficiency, MultiCall is a must-have tool in your day-to-day life. But of course, completely understanding how to use it is also…

  • 9 Tips to Better Task Allocation

    9 Tips to Better Task Allocation

    9 Tips to Better Task Allocation It’s the start of the week. And you’ve been given a new project assignment which has to be completed as a group. This means then that you need to plan each and every step and decide how everyone will contribute. You’ve seen this in school, in college, and now…

  • 5 Tips Toward Motivating Employees on Call

    5 Tips Toward Motivating Employees on Call

    5 Tips Toward Motivating Employees on Call By this time of the lockdown, virtually all companies have crossed the initial hurdle of prepping their teams for prolonged remote working. This has gone as far as ensuring colleagues have set up their tech tools and defining new processes and procedures. But then again, this is the…

  • 6 Tips To Build Trust With Your Team Over Call

    6 Tips To Build Trust With Your Team Over Call

    6 Tips To Build Trust With Your Team Over Call At this particular point, you are probably no stranger to the fact that COVID-19 and the lockdown it brought with it has struck companies and people alike hard. The very nature and elements of work have been extensively disrupted. Yes, the arrangement toward remote working…

  • 5 WFH Issues During COVID and Tackling Them

    5 WFH Issues During COVID and Tackling Them

    5 WFH Issues During COVID and Tackling Them Unable to see ahead, and seemingly no end in sight. It covers up a dangerous obstacle with its own lack of clarity. One would think what is being described is a fog.  But the current lockdown situation due to the pandemic applies just as well. In fact,…

  • A Pilot’s Guide to Effective Communication

    A Pilot’s Guide to Effective Communication

    A Pilot’s Guide to Effective Communication Let’s begin in the cockpit of an aircraft flying from one destination to another, and a situation occurs. Captain – “I have control”. Co-Pilot – “You have control”. In just six words, two crew members in the same flight deck evidence a skill critical to the corporate scene; communication.…

  • 5 Tips to Completing Projects on Time

    5 Tips to Completing Projects on Time

    5 Tips to Completing Projects on Time Our first encounter with projects was probably at school; be it a written essay for English, or to build a model of something for a science project. As early as that time itself, we were already carefully planning; asking what our deadlines were, how many and who we…

  • 6 Ways To Have A Mindset of Growth in Crisis

    6 Ways To Have A Mindset of Growth in Crisis

    6 Ways To Have A Mindset of Growth in Crisis The Covid-19 crisis has presented myriad challenges both for Working-From-Home and for business development. But there’s an old adage that goes “Suffering builds Character”. While it’s not necessarily easy during a time such as this, having a growth mindset can enhance the ability of teams…